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Focus on God’s Word (Season 6)

God has given us all the necessary ingredients for peace and happiness. Satan—God’s enemy—is determined to destroy this peace and happiness through deception and trickery. In this series, you’ll discover how you can spot Satan’s deceptions, and be part of God’s soon coming eternal kingdom.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download. Individual episodes available, see links with topics below.

The Sanctuary, Salvation & Our Saviour

Pr David Shin shares how the sanctuary is all about Jesus. Every part of the sanctuary reveals the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.

The first compartment, the courtyard is where we are covered and cleansed by the blood of Jesus. We are justified by faith through the blood of the Lamb in the courtyard. It is where we experience the imputed righteousness of Christ and are born again. Jesus is the Lamb, our Hight Priest, the door, the water of life and the light of the world.

The second compartment of the sanctuary is the Holy Place. It is where we grow in Christ after we have been born in Christ. Christian grown is God’s work of a lifetime; it’s the process where God recreates the image of God in us through His grace.

The third compartment of the sanctuary is the Most Holy Place. This is the final phase in God’s restorative process in bringing us back. In the Most Holy Place experience, the final ravages of the results of sin will be removed and we will see God face to face.


Monthly Radio Program Guides

3ABN Australia Radio schedules may be downloaded from this page. There are two types of schedules, Program Guides, and…

3ABN Australia Tour 2009

DECEMBER 4-8, 2009 Danny Shelton and Pr John Lomacang will be coming to Australia during the first week of…

Day By Day

Fourteen tracks of beautiful piano solos by Henry Higgins that are sure to lift you day by day to our Lord!

London 2016 Broadcast Times

A special evangelistic series by 3ABN will air this month on 3ABN International (delayed telecast). It consists of iSite Review,…