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Near to the Heart – CD

This CD brings relaxing hymn arrangements from Henry Higgins in a classical/contemporary twist that will free you from the stress and cares of this world and bring you closer to the source of all true Inspiration: God. A must for all hymn lovers to have!!

Anchors of Truth: His Character Counts

It is said that in beholding we become changed. So how do you behold God? Pastor Hiram Rester explores how this affects your life, and those around you, in this insightful series! If God’s character is to be revealed in us, then we must see Him for who He truly is. From the wilderness of the Exodus, to the cross, to the Second Coming, we are called to look to Jesus and live!

Pillars Hymns Music Special DVD

Enjoy the live performance of this beautiful collection of 12 inspired hymns of faith, featuring songs from the early Advent movement and timeless classics!

Spring Camp Meeting 2016

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Thursday, 9th June to Sunday 12th June, 2016 (Australia/New Zealand Times) We’re excited to announce this…

Focus on God’s Word (Season 3)

The world is going crazy. Terrorism, natural disasters, death, and destruction are all around us. There is fear and despair, with seemingly no way out. Will all this end? How do we deal with it? Why is it happening?

Find the answers to these questions and more in this compelling series presented by evangelist Danny Milenkov!

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download. Individual episodes available, see links with topics below.

Bringers of the Dawn

Bringers of The Dawn: A Journey Through the Reformation

This book is a collection of articles chronicling the rise and spread of the Reformation—its highs and lows, the impact it had on the lives of individuals and nations, as well as how it defined Christianity.