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Focus on God’s Word: History’s Holy Hoax

From Genesis to Revelation, God’s holy day which He dedicated for rest and worship is the seventh day Sabbath. If this is what Scripture teaches, why do most Christians worship on Sunday—the first day of the week?

2,500 years ago, God predicted that a power would arise who would seek to change God’s holy law which He wrote on stone with His own finger. Discover the truth about God’s holy day and how the change took place.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: The Truth About Death

They say that there are two certainties in life; death, and taxes. You may somehow manage to avoid paying your taxes, but there is no way to avoid death. What really happens when a person dies? Discover God’s truth, filled with assurance and hope.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: Healthy and Happy

Discover God’s plan for how you can live the abundant life in the midst of our sin-sick world. God’s plan is for us to live wholistic lives, growing in all the different dimensions that we have been created for—physical, mental, social and spiritual.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word: Walking With Jesus

What are the essential ingredients for having a fulfilling relationship with Jesus? Discover seven simple steps you can put into practice each day, which will enable you to stay securely on the narrow path that leads to the New Jerusalem. If you put these principles into practice, your daily walk with Jesus will continually grow and strengthen.

Also available in the full set of six programs.

Focus on God’s Word (Season 7)

Noah – Another Storm is Coming

Jesus compared the end of time to the days of Noah—a time of such evil that God had to cleanse the world with a flood. Yet He saved Noah and his family.
In an evil world bent on destroying the very pillars of society, which God had established, another storm is coming. In this series evangelist Danny Milenkov shows how God is working to save His people and bring an end to evil, once and for all.

Available as DVD. Individual episodes available on 3ABN+. See links in the description.

Focus on God’s Word (Season 8)

Truth for Today

Gospel, Sanctuary, and Judgment. Three key topics in the Bible, but do we really understand them? Do we need to? Are they linked, and if so, how? The reality is that many Christians in the world today cannot answer these questions.

In this series Geoff Youlden explains how they are interconnected, their importance, and how they relate to us in our lives.

Available as DVD.


3ABN Australia is a faith-based ministry that is supported entirely through donations from viewers and listeners like you. We…

The 3ABN Story

by Danny Shelton It was late at night, but I couldn’t sleep. Thoughts kept tumbling through my head, and…