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3ABN Today Live – The Vaccine, The Beast, and The Mark

Is the COVID-19 vaccine the Mark of the Beast? Will it bring about the events described in Revelation? Questions like these spark fear in the hearts of many around the world and they are refusing to take the vaccine for fear of receiving the Mark of the Beast and being lost. In this study, Ryan Day and Shelley Quinn identify the first beast of Revelation 13 using the Bible as their guide. Learn what the mark of the Beast really is, along with the central issue surrounding this mysterious topic. Together, we will find hope in our Saviour, Jesus Christ and His plan for us in these closing moments of earth’s history.

3ABN Today Live – Sabbath School Alive!

What can we do to reinvigorate Sabbath School? How are Sabbath School and Mission tied together? Discover how to make Sabbath School come alive on 3ABN Today Live, hosted by JD and Shelley Quinn, with special guest, Kameron DeVasher.

3ABN Today Live – Battle of the Mind

Join John Lomacang, Shelley Quinn, John Dinzey, Ryan Day as they discuss the topic of “Battle of the Mind”.

3ABN Today Live – Battle for the Mind

The most fertile battlefield is the mind. How can we mount a successful defence against the enemy’s desire to victimise us on our own territory? Tune in for the answers!

3ABN Today Live – Can the Church Affirm LGBTQ+?

There’s a movement to affirm the LGBTQ+ lifestyle in the Church. Is this love and compassion, or full-out compromise and deception? We’ll be taking your questions and comments as Mark Finley joins Danny and Yvonne Shelton for 3ABN Today Live.

Homecoming Fall Camp Meeting 2016 Schedule

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Friday, September 30, through to Sunday, October 2, 2016 Aust/NZ time This year’s Homecoming Camp Meeting will air LIVE…


Do you have questions about INTERLESS? You’ve come to the right place. Have a look below to see if…


Each quarter, we send out an e-mail newsletter, keeping you up to date with the happenings at 3ABN Australia….