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VAST – The 3ABN Miracle Story

This story, written by 3ABN Australia’s General Manager, John Malkiewycz, recounts the miracle that saw 3ABN International added to…

Darkness Before Dawn

Does the world around you seem to be spinning more and more out of control?

Have you ever wondered…

Why do so many innocent people suffer?

Why are there so many problems in the world today—and why does no one seem to have any answers?

What really happens when a person dies?

Why has there been such a decline in moral values in society? What will be the final result?

What are the real social, political, and religious issues facing the world today?

How can I find personal peace?

Where is God when I hurt?

The Last Day of Prophecy

Discover the Rest of the Story   Special LIVE Series: March 22 to 27, 2016 on 3ABN The Last…

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2019 DVD set

“Certainty Amid Uncertainty” was the theme of 3ABN Homecoming 2019. In a world full of confusion and strife, God’s Word is a source of strength and encouragement. It is through following Jesus, the Light of the world, that we can come out of darkness and error to walk in the light of life.

Jesus says “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 8:12

The concert is not included in this set.

Homecoming Camp Meeting 2014

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Friday, September 26 through to Sunday, September 28, 2014 Aust/NZ time This year’s Homecoming Camp Meeting…

Homecoming Camp Meeting 2015

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Friday, September 25 through to Sunday, September 27, 2014 Aust/NZ time This year’s Homecoming Camp Meeting…

Spring Camp Meeting 2016

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Thursday, 9th June to Sunday 12th June, 2016 (Australia/New Zealand Times) We’re excited to announce this…

Spring Camp Meeting 2017

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Thursday, 8th June to Sunday 11th June, 2017 (Australia/New Zealand Times) We’re excited to announce this…

3ABN Fall Camp Meeting 2017

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Friday, 29th September to Sunday 1st October, 2017 (Australia/New Zealand Times) We’re excited to announce this…