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Icon Attributions Reusable Shopping Bag Icon made by Freepik from is licensed under CC BY 3.0 Radio Icon…

Satellite Equipment Installers and Suppliers

IMPORTANT! 3ABN Australia Inc only recommends satellite equipment that meets the EMC Standard for electromagnetic interference which is a…

The 3ABN Story

by Danny Shelton It was late at night, but I couldn’t sleep. Thoughts kept tumbling through my head, and…

3ABN Now: The Gift of Writing

William Ackland is an ordinary person who spent is life working as an Accountant. But, in retirement, he has found a whole new life doing something he had never considered before, and for which he had no time during his working life. Find out what he is doing and how it may be of help to you.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

Healthy Living: High Blood Pressure

There is good news and bad news: The bad news is that the number of people in the world with high blood pressure has reached 1.13 billion, nearly doubling since 1975 – and it’s no longer a disease of affluent countries. The good news is that high blood pressure can be reversed. Found out how in this episode of Healthy Living with Dr John Clark.

3ABN Now: Flying High in PNG

Meet Jeandré Roux, a young man with a passion for flying. We join him in Papua New Guinea as he flies with Adventist Aviation Services for two years. What do the pilots do in PNG? What cargo do they carry? We learn about the rigors of landing on jungle airstrips, enduring the challenges of the mountain weather, and everyday life working in PNG.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

INSIGHT Tracts – Sample Pack

3ABN Australia’s new INSIGHT tracts are a great way to share the messages of the Bible with others. Covering ten different topics, there is sure to be a tract appropriate for everyone. They are pocket sized, attractive, informative, and easy to read. If you would like to check them out before ordering some, purchase a sample pack which contains one of each tract.