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3ABN Now: The Importance of Character Development

What is the “old man” and the “new man” in the Bible? What has the marriage law and death of the husband got to do with character development in the Christian life? Why is it important for us to know about this anyway? Pr John Lomacang joins us to give a deeper understanding of this biblical topic ,and its application to us today, as we wait for, and anticipate, Jesus’ soon return.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Ebenezer: Remembering God’s Leading

What has the persecution of Jews in Spain and Portugal during the 1400s and 1500s got to do with the conversion of Dr Eddie Ramirez’s family? How did the granting of religious liberty cause a civil war? Join us as Dr Eddie takes us through some of the Ebenezer (remembrance) stories that led his ancestors to becoming Seventh-day Adventists.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: The Health Message Opens Doors

Did you know that the presentation of the health message is opening doors to the homes and hearts of people in countries around the world? Dr Eddie Ramirez has been involved in opening many of these doors. On this week’s program he tells us what has been happening in different countries, and how we, too, can reach hearts for Jesus and improve the health of people in our communities. This is practical information on how to spread the Gospel through good health.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: Walking in a New Direction

How does God reach us when we have turned our backs on Him and are walking in the opposite direction? Today Scott Heitmann gives his testimony about how God finally got his attention and turned him around so he could walk with God. Not only has God changed Scott’s heart, and set him on the straight and narrow road, He has given him a ministry so he can reach others for Jesus. God can do the same for anyone––including you! Be inspired to turn around and walk with God.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Now: E.G. White’s Legacy in the Philippines

Join us as we discuss the ministry of E.G. White with Pr Bryan Tolentino, the Director of the E.G. White Centre, Southern-Asia Pacific Division, Philippines. We discuss the impact of her writings on the lives of others, including Pr Tolentino himself, as well as the purpose and main subject of her written material. Through our discussion, we hope you will have a fresh understanding of her ministry, be drawn closer to our dear Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and have a better understanding of His desire for each of us.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2023: “Sensational Sacred Music”

Music unites in purpose and praise. It is also a powerful medium for either good or evil. What is sacred music, and how can music in general affect our lives? Find out in this program.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2023: “Raising Children in 2023”

Every child is a miracle, and every child is a gift from God. In today’s culture that attacks God’s ideal for families, how can parents bring up their children to love and serve God? What is appropriate as boundaries and discipline? What do children need to be mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy? Discover the answers in this program.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2023: “Bold Witnesses”

God has called us to be witnesses. It’s a simple, but universal call, one that Jesus even gave to the demoniacs after their deliverance. What are the keys to being an effective witness, and what is the impact of being a bold witness? Where should our focus be? Find out in the program.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2023: “Your Money or Your Life”

What does the Bible teach about tithes and offerings? What are the consequences of withholding tithe? Are there any blessings associated with giving faithfully?

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.

3ABN Australia Homecoming 2023: “The Holy Spirit—Divine Helper”

Jesus promised the Holy Spirit—the representative of the God-head—to His disciples as part of His final instructions to the on the Thursday night before His cross and crucifixion (John 13). For Jesus, the Holy Spirit will be His “presence” in the world with His disciples (including all people beyond the first disciples). His Spirit will be their Comforter, Helper, and Transforming Agent (John 14,15). More importantly, the Holy Spirit will grow in them the fruit of discipleship—love.

Available as DVD or HD/SD Video Download.