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Summer Camp Meeting 2021

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT Wednesday, 9th June to Sunday 13th June, 2021 (Australia/New Zealand Times) A spiritual highlight of our…

Prayer Request

Prayer is an important part of our ministry to you. If you have a prayer request, please let us…

Morisset Production Centre Project

In 2006, 3ABN President Danny Shelton visited Australia. He saw that there was a need to build a production…

Darkness Before Dawn

Does the world around you seem to be spinning more and more out of control?

Have you ever wondered…

Why do so many innocent people suffer?

Why are there so many problems in the world today—and why does no one seem to have any answers?

What really happens when a person dies?

Why has there been such a decline in moral values in society? What will be the final result?

What are the real social, political, and religious issues facing the world today?

How can I find personal peace?

Where is God when I hurt?

Focus on God’s Word (Season 1)

Focus on God’s Word is a series presented by Australian Union Conference evangelist, Geoff Youlden. Based on his Life After Life series, these programs present topics from the Second Coming to Baptism.

Available as DVD or SD Video Download. Individual episodes available, see links with topics below.

Help and Support

  Needing help? You’ve come to the right place! Please select from the sections below or use the search…

Contact 3ABN Australia

Need to get in touch with us? We’d love to hear from you! PO Box 752, Morisset NSW 2264, AUSTRALIA (02)…